Recent Quotes
The other night we were out to dinner and Lukey said, "What do you call that Food Teacher?" For some reason he has always called all women in authority "teacher." This time he was talking about the waitress.
Today at Costco the cashier asked me if I wanted to donate to the children's hospital. I said, "no" because I've been asked this several times recently. But Jackson kept trying to interrupt, "What did she say? What did the Costco teacher (haha) say?" Finally when I was finished paying I told him she said, "Do you want to donate to the children's hospital." Relieved, he said, "Oh, I thought she said 'do you want to donate your children.'" I asked him if he was afraid I was going to donate him and he said, "No because I already have a really good Mommy" and gave me a hug. Awwww. What a sweet boy!!