Monday, April 21, 2008

Marathon Day

WOW! The Boston Marathon was a blast! Yesterday we scouted our location for the shoot today and decided to camp out at Mile 21. We took the T (Boston's subway) out there this morning and spent most of the day there. It was right after Heartbreak Hill and right across the street from Boston College.

We got there early, but by noon or so there were hundreds (maybe thousands?) of spectators. Lots of them were Boston College students and their enthusiasm really made the event extremely fun. This video is the first time we saw the male runners start coming. Before this the leaders of the wheelchair racers had already zoomed past us, and a lot of the elite women runners had passed. But this was the first male runner.

Then for a couple of hours there was a steady stream of runners.

We stayed and shot Team LIVESTRONG runners and then shot some footage of the LAF president when he came by. All of this will be in the UNITE video that will go online next week after we edit it. By the time we got back downtown to the finish line it was all pretty much over.

It was a fun day. We ate dinner at this awesome local pizza joint.

It seems like I've been gone forever...I'll be happy to get home to all the boys tomorrow!


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