Thursday, February 19, 2009

So long old friend...

It's been two weeks since Lukey has had his "papi" (pacifier). It's been a long road. We were sure we'd get rid of it when he turned two. Then when that didn't happen, we scaled it way back so he only had it when he was in bed. A few weeks ago he was really sick, and he got hooked on it again big time. Then he had an accident while playing with Jackson and one of his front teeth got knocked loose. That night I decided not to give him the papi because I didn't want the tooth to come out while he slept. And it was just time to get rid of it! Everybody who told us "Oh it'll be easier than you think" was wrong. It hasn't been easy at all. It's been extremely difficult to get him to sleep at nap and at night, and the first 10 days or so he was waking up a lot, crying for it, wanting it in the morning, etc, etc. It's better now, though, and he hasn't mentioned it in days. So that's one more baby thing that is over for us. Time to get serious about potty-training, I guess.

Oh and BTW, the card for my camera is messed up and so that's why I've been slow about posting any new pics or movies lately. I hope to get it fixed soon because I've got some good movies of Luke singing. Stay tuned...



OK, wow. I'm impressed. We need to go down that road again, we've tried it twice before, but maybe the 3rd time will be the charm? Good work Lukey, but maybe more so, good work Beth and Mat.


That is a big task..getting the kid to give up the paci. We bribed Jeremiah with a "cookie as big as his head"


I remember trying to get Catie off of hers. We had moved, she was over it, then we could not get her to sleep so we gave it back. Its okay, she gave it up before she went to college! Just kidding, I think it was jr high....

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