Thursday, May 15, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Message from Lance Armstrong...
Last week I was honored to testify in front of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee about what our country can do to fight cancer. You can read more about my testimony on the LIVESTRONG Blog. I was thrilled to be invited to testify, and my participation was an important step leading into tomorrow.
Tomorrow is LIVESTRONG Day, a day when more than 600 cancer awareness and fundraising events will take place all across the country. Every staff member from my Foundation is attending a different event, and I'll be visiting a few of them myself.
But tomorrow isn't about me, it's about you – how you will make cancer a priority in your own community. Tomorrow is the day when we want our entire country's eyes to be focused on the cancer fight. Will you help us?
Anyone can take part in LIVESTRONG Day. Here are some things you can do join the fight against cancer:
1. Wear Yellow – Show us how you demonstrate your support for the cancer fight.
2. Attend a LIVESTRONG Day event – From bake sales to bike rides, there's sure to be an event in a community near you.
3. Pick a fight with cancer. Tomorrow only, when you register for the LIVESTRONG Challenge use discount code LSDay08 to receive 1/2-price registration. The LIVESTRONG Challenge is my Foundation's signature fundraising event. Walk, run or ride in Portland, Ore. (June 29), San Jose, Calif. (July 13), Philadelphia, Pa. (August 24) or Austin, Texas (October 25-26), and pick a fight with cancer.
4. Make a donation. Support our efforts to unite and fight cancer through a donation to the LAF.
Tomorrow we can make a difference. Tomorrow let's stand united in the fight against cancer. I hope you'll join me and do your part to make cancer a national priority and conquer this disease.
Posted by Beth Hames at 3:46 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Recent Pictures
I'm breaking the rules tonight. We recently instituted a new policy - no computers after 8pm. It's all part of my plan to try to sleep more. Well, tonight I'm home alone because Mat has gone out to the movies so I decided to be crazy and post some pictures.
Luke and Jackson are at an extremely fun stage right now. Luke just talks up a storm, and if I can keep the paci out of sight he turns into a real motormouth. My favorite thing he does right now is when I point to something in a book and ask him what color it is he ALWAYS goes, "One, two, free." HAHA. He's not so good with colors, but he knows how to count to five. I usually spend an hour or so alone with him in the mornings before everyone else wakes up and he is such a sweet sweet boy. When we go in to wake Jackson up he gets jealous, though, and shouts MY Mommy, MY Mommy.
Jackson's latest is that he wants to be grown up. He even told me today that he wants Luke to have his Cars lunch box because he doesn't like toys and kid stuff anymore, he's only interested in grown up stuff like hunting. He's really into Indiana Jones. Mat has only let him watch the first 15 minutes, but he has the entire soundtrack memorized the same way he used to with Star Wars. He will tell you what's going on in the movie just by listening to the music - even the parts he hasn't seen because Mat has listened to the whole thing with him many times and described each scene. Road trips are a geek-fest in our family. Anyway, here are some recent pics...
Last week in Dallas we went to the ballpark to watch my nephews play. Here's Cody getting a hit.
Here's Rob about to hit.
The boys riding behind Papa's tractor.
Trip to Sonic with Emily.
I love this little hand me down. This was Jackson's Easter outfit when he was 13 months old. It fits Luke perfectly now at 21 months.
The boys listening to Indiana Jones music out on the deck.
We just discovered that Luke is really good at putting together Legos! Jackson was not interested at this age. I left him alone with a bunch of Legos for a few minutes and he made this. I asked him if it was a truck and he said, "Uh-uh Mommy. It's a crane." I'm not kidding. I'm sure he learned that from Jackson.
Luke likes to share.
We think it's a little bit sad that the boys probably won't remember our house that we live in now. So we're trying to take a lot of pictures of them these days. We love our backyard so much. It's probably the only thing we'll miss besides our neighbors.
Now it's 9:46 and I must get off this computer! Good night!
Posted by Beth Hames at 9:24 PM 5 comments
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