Today is Luke's birthday. I can hardly believe it's been two years since he was born. We have a tradition in my family that at some point on your birthday my Dad will say "Two years ago today...(or however old you are)...there was a big storm coming..." and then he'll proceed to tell the story about the day you were born. He does this every year and it's always fun to hear him start in with, "Thirty years ago today..." or whatever. He always ends the story by saying, "And I looked down and my feet weren't even touching the ground." So sweet. I was born the day after Easter, during As The World Turns, and there was a tornado that night. Or at least these are the things I remember from him telling the story over the years.
So anyway, this morning I got to tell Luke's story:
"Two years ago today, we got up on a Thursday morning and went to the doctor. It was a normal visit - nothing much had changed. Luke wasn't due for another 2 weeks, but we had set a date to induce because the doctor thought he was going to be extremely big for some reason. It came at a really busy time at work, and Mat and I were both worried that he was going to be born on the day that we had this big shoot planned. After the doctor's appointment we went to lunch at Taco Deli. I had a meeting at the LAF that afternoon and we always try to plan our meetings there around lunchtime so we can go to Taco Deli either before or after. (If you're in Austin, 9+ months pregnant and wanting to have your baby...maybe you should try Taco Deli.) Anyway, so Mat went back to the office and I took my car to the LAF for our meeting in their conference room. Most of you probably know how this story ends, so I'll cut to the chase. Right as we were ending the water broke. Yes, it was one of my most embarrassing moments caused by my children.
It was kind of frantic after that as my friends drove me home, we packed a suitcase, and raced to the hospital. All I could think about was how my sister-in-law Leslie gave birth to Cate 30 minutes after her water broke, without an epidural, right after they got to the hospital. We made it in plenty of time though. When we got to the room the doctor kept saying that it was going to go quick, and all I could think was 'I'm not ready! I'm not ready!' It was a weird feeling knowing that nothing could stop this from happening whether I was ready or not. With Jackson it was much different since he was induced and it was all scheduled out.
Luke ended up taking his time and finally arrived at 8:50pm at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. Jackie (Nana) happened to be in town, and all the grandparents arrived shortly after. Jackson got to come up the hospital and see his new brother before he went home to bed. When we talked about it this morning he remembered that he got to wear his pajamas up to the hospital. In the end I was happy that Luke came early. It was a great day, and I wouldn't have changed a thing."
So I started to tell the story this morning, but it was the short version because Luke wasn't really interested in all those details. :-) Luke has been such a blessing in our lives. He is truly the sweetest little boy. He's lost without Jackson, and if Jackson is not around he'll ask over and over "Where's Jackson?" He's very loving and easy. And he's smart and funny and cuddly. Almost perfect I would say.
Here are a few pics from our birthday weekend...