Sunday, March 8, 2009

Two Boys

Recently, I realized that Luke has spent almost every waking hour of his life with Jackson. They spend more time together than they do with Mat and me since they are together while we're at work. The other day (before the realization) I had to take Jackson to an appointment at a Kindergarten, and I was surprised by the fact that Luke was beside himself with grief/fear/sadness the entire time. "Mommy PLEASE turn the car around and go get Jackson. Please don't leave Jackson there. Mommy please can we go and get Jackson back. I don't want to leave Jackson by himself at that place. Please mommy." This went on for an hour until Jackson was safely back in the car.

Then last weekend Jackson spent Saturday afternoon over at his friend Daniel's house, and we went through the same thing again. I finally got him settled down enough to take a nap, but within a few minutes he was sobbing again for Jackson. I was rocking him and trying to talk through it. I said, "Lukey, Jackson's getting older and he's going to be doing some big boy things by himself now like going to Kindergarten." His reply, through a river of tears was, "But then we won't have two boys anymore!"

So sweet and sad. I assured him we would always have two boys. Their relationship will be longer than any other relationships they will ever have - longer than their spouses, and sadly if things go naturally, longer than even us. I hope they always stay best friends. Two boys forever.



Awww, why are you trying to make me cry?!
I can't wait to see those two boys this week!


That is so sweet. I love to see brothers care so much for each other.


What special boys you have! They are wonderful!

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