Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Mat!

Today is Mat's birthday. I haven't seen him since Wednesday morning, and we didn't even get to talk today until almost 7 o'clock because he was busy working and traveling. I've been thinking about him all day, though, and getting ready for a fun weekend of celebrating and cake and presents. Mat thought when we had kids that his birthday would become irrelevant. Then, when Luke was born exactly two weeks before his birthday he really thought no one would care anymore. That is so not true, though. I am so happy to have Mat as a husband and best friend. So on his birthday I especially want him to know: "Mat I appreciate everything you do for me and our family, and I think you're the best!"

Now, I would also like to commemorate this special occasion by posting a few pics. These are some oldies but goodies that I happened to find on my computer. Enjoy!

If you can divert your eyes away from the sweet mullet action, check out the jam-box in the lower right hand corner. No doubt they were rocking out to Genesis!

This was obviously before Monica Lewinsky ruined berets for the rest of us! And I think that is a Yes t-shirt. Funny, he stills wears those. Some things never change.

I wonder who the boxers are on TV. Maybe Mike Tyson?

Yes, he's wearing make-up. This was taken backstage at a play.

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Love these pictures...what happened to the 80's, huh? Happy Birthday, Mat!!!

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