Thursday, July 12, 2007

You Are Not Going to Believe This

So we're sitting at lunch at Z'Tejas. (Yes we stuck with the plan, but walking was a bad idea. It was hotter than Hades.) And we're just chatting with the out-of-towners. The Exceutive Director's name is Christopher and he's about our age. His assistant, Mandy, is a charming German girl in her twenties. Christopher's wife is pregnant so we talked about babies and work and just getting-to-know-you stuff. He mentions that his wife is in Europe at the moment visiting a friend and hanging out with her mom who went over there to take a watercolor class in Italy. Of course I'm thinking "must be nice" with a fair amount of sarcasm in my internal voice.

Later we start talking about Jackson and the movies he likes and that leads to Star Wars and that leads to the inevitable question: what happened to Harrison Ford's career? Mat brings up that he's worried about the new Indiana Jones movie. He thinks Speilberg will do a good job, but he hopes that George Lucas is staying out of the picture. Christopher alludes to some insider information that he heard that Lucas is being hands-off. Thought nothing of it. The conversation continues, and we start talking about whether or not Speilberg has still got it when Christopher interrupts and says something along these lines. (Not word for word because in may state of utter shock I have probably forgotten some details.) Christopher: "I should just stop you right there because it's inevitable that you're going to find this out, and you'll be mad at me for not telling you before we talk about him, but Steven Speilberg is my father-in-law."

I don't have to tell you that my IQ dropped about 50 points and Mat probably pee'd his pants a little bit. So I say (like a genius): "So you're wife is in Europe right now with...Kate Capshaw?" Christopher: "Yep, that's her mom." He couldn't have said my father-in-law is Michael Mann or Peter Weir or even Martin Scorsese or Ridley Scott. No. He literally said, "My father-in-law is Steven Speilberg."

Shocking. What a day. Going to bed.



So funny! Get used to it though - pretty soon you guys will be hobnobbing with all of those big name people.


Wow...I can only imagine the shock and awe! One day, though, we will be able to say we know Mat and Beth Hames armed with the same power to surprise!!!


Yeah, I think Christy and Jonna said it all... it will be fun to throw ya'lls names around in a crowd... yeah, little Luke and Karsyn could have a thing someday and I'll be able to say the same thing! FUN! How long did it take Mat to recover??? Or is he still working on that - HA!

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